Converting From Muay Thai to Boxing
It started almost like a joke. Sometime in late June 2016, somebody, I can't remember who, said half in jest, half sincerely, "why don't...

2 Become 1 - The Onyx-Woodlands Wellington Encounter
Chocolate Onyx writes about her experiences in football and our growth with the female Woodlands Wellington Football Club.

ONE FC 49 - Shinya Aoki vs Eduard Folayang, The Massive Upset
Eduard Folayang comes in to this card definitely as the underdog and many wonder if he'd have enough in his grappling arsenal to overcome th

Beating the Bully
Even before the onset of the great internet and social media age, the topic of bullying has been omni-present. While I think we used to...

Winning the Fight, Losing the Hearts
There was a lot of hype last weekend for the fans of fights, where Manny Pacquiao headlined his return with a WBO title win over Jessie...

What You All Have Taught Us
We are one the of the first few people to meet our members when they step into Onyx. Every evening, the members amble up the road with a...

Clinching the Clinch
There's an abundance of videos and articles out in the world of internet, subscriptions, combat universities and what nots that dwells...

Back to Onyx, 3 months later.
"Stronger!" "Turn your hips more!" "Kick faster!" The instructions came thick and fast, atypical of the Onyx trainers, but my mind was...

The Trainer
I've started Muay Thai around 4 years ago and I've had my fair share of trainers from various gyms. While I've not been entirely sure I...

Sparring: Application and Sense-Making
The numbers, 1, 2 and 3 probably rings familiar to many of us here, who've learnt countless combination with these numbers. You do the...