Not Yet
Fighting whether professionally or not, is not a game. So, even if it deals a blow to the ego, when your trainer tells you not yet, they mea

Member's Sparring Night
Onyx is holding a members' sparring night this Saturday, 29 April. This upcoming sparring night is not the usual sparring we go through

When Over Confidence Goes Wrong
Taunting, trash talking, rivalries are but a few tools to hype up fights, either to sell tickets, pay-per-views or just gain followership. T

Through the Eyes of Nat #1 - Fighting, Boxing, Muay Thai and the Similarity.
During the fight, the room is pretty much silent. Sum it up, boxing fights allude a tensed and serious atmosphere.

Converting From Muay Thai to Boxing
It started almost like a joke. Sometime in late June 2016, somebody, I can't remember who, said half in jest, half sincerely, "why don't...

2 Become 1 - The Onyx-Woodlands Wellington Encounter
Chocolate Onyx writes about her experiences in football and our growth with the female Woodlands Wellington Football Club.