Member's Sparring Night
Onyx is holding a members' sparring night this Saturday, 29 April. This upcoming sparring night is not the usual sparring we go through

When Over Confidence Goes Wrong
Taunting, trash talking, rivalries are but a few tools to hype up fights, either to sell tickets, pay-per-views or just gain followership. T

Through the Eyes of Nat #1 - Fighting, Boxing, Muay Thai and the Similarity.
During the fight, the room is pretty much silent. Sum it up, boxing fights allude a tensed and serious atmosphere.

Skipping the Skipping
Where it comes to selling the actual idea of skipping, I am in tension. For starters, I was once like you, frustrated and annoyed at the not

The Reality of Training with your Significant Other
Natasha, a boxer of the Onyx Fight Team writes about her experience in training alongside her significant other.

Converting From Muay Thai to Boxing
It started almost like a joke. Sometime in late June 2016, somebody, I can't remember who, said half in jest, half sincerely, "why don't...

You Are Probably Addicted to MMA
Remember that time, long ago, where you were head over heels over that pretty girl? You went after her like a horse chasing a carrot, and...

Boxing, for the wrong reasons
Beyond the somewhat glamourous front at the Nutriman Finals last month, I think it is fair to say that everyone has a story. Before you...