How I Met Your Professor
Some things remain the same though: Diego’s unwavering attention to each student, his focus in breaking down techniques so that everyone can

You Are Probably Addicted to MMA
Remember that time, long ago, where you were head over heels over that pretty girl? You went after her like a horse chasing a carrot, and...
Watch These 5 Videos Before You Come For Training
If you're like me, spending my Sundays pondering about the knees and elbows that you're going to do come Monday when Onyx opens; you need...

A Different Fight
Onyx being a properly apt fight gym, most of the time when the word "fight" surfaces, it is mostly about the physical altercation between...

How Long Till I Get My BJJ Black Belt?
There are several ways to get a BJJ Black Belt. Various ways have proved to have varying levels of success. The fastest, is of course, to...

Shinya Kakita - At The Helm of Onyx Synergy Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
Onyx MMA did not inherit any BJJ programmes when we transited from Onyx Muay Thai to Onyx MMA. That said, we've had valuable partners...