Oscar the Grouch
You know the grumpy middle-aged auntie/uncle who will whip around with an accusing glare and ‘tsk’ you when you laugh aloud on the bus? This

Friends are Fun, not Food
My first friends at Onyx, I haven’t seen them for a while, maybe a few years even. It is a sad thing, a little bit, but it is inevitable.

Not Yet
Fighting whether professionally or not, is not a game. So, even if it deals a blow to the ego, when your trainer tells you not yet, they mea

When Do I Finish Learning?
Learning, and progressing in this martial arts journey is an exponentially decreasing experience. Remember when your first class? You've

How I Met Your Professor
Some things remain the same though: Diego’s unwavering attention to each student, his focus in breaking down techniques so that everyone can

The Search For Our Muay Thai Coach
It was so tempting to find people from headlines and billboards. But sometimes, it is better to take a chance on people who have been doing

Converting From Muay Thai to Boxing
It started almost like a joke. Sometime in late June 2016, somebody, I can't remember who, said half in jest, half sincerely, "why don't...

Back to Onyx, 3 months later.
"Stronger!" "Turn your hips more!" "Kick faster!" The instructions came thick and fast, atypical of the Onyx trainers, but my mind was...